#Thisfunktional #FathomEvents Brought Adam West’s Batman Back to the Big Screen

Written by Jesus Figueroa

Fathom Event’s brought new animation “Batman Return of the caped Crusaders” to the big screen with a special intro by the cast of AMC’s “Geeking Out.”

With Tiffany Smith, Kevin Smith and Greg Grunberg of “Geeking Out” exchanging stories of their introductions to Batman and how the caped crusader has impacted their lives, the intro gives a bit more of a nostalgia factor as Adam West voices Batman, Burt Ward voices Robin and Julie Newmar voices Catwoman once again.

There’s something about West’s Batman which keeps fans returning to this version of Batman.

The animated feature has the caped crusaders facing four of their iconic villains, but also has one surprise adversary which is unexpected.

The voices of Jeff Bergman as the Joker, William Salyers as the Penguin and Wally Wingert as the Riddler blend well with the style that West’s Batman is known for.

This story feels like actual fans of West’s Batman took great care to properly honor the classic series.

“Batman return of the Caped Crusaders” is available on Digital HD on Oct. 11 and will be available on Blu-ray on Nov. 1.

I give this animated movie 5 out of 5 Popcorns. The original voices are great to set the story in the same Batman storyline as the classic series. The comedy of this version of Batman is well set and much more than a dark knight, this Batman makes audiences believe that being a good person, good citizen and conscious of positive beliefs can make a hero. It’s a much different Batman than audiences have had for the recent versions of Batman. The use alliteration and tone keep audiences glued to the screen.

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