Living with Anxiety

Hey, everyone! It’s been a HOT minute since I’ve posted on here and I can’t even apologize. You know . . . life and all that. But let me catch you up.

Everyone knows that March 2020 was when the world turned to shit. My job, as shocking as it was, sent us all computers and told us to work from home for a bit. We all thought we’d be back in the office in 2 weeks or something, but here we are almost 2 years later and now our office is closed and we’re permanently working from home. My dining room is now half of a dining room and half of an office.

Working from home has been great! However, I didn’t realize that subconsciously it was doing a number on my mental health. If I felt a headache, I was internally contemplating whether or not I had a blood clot that was trying to kill me. After cleaning the kitchen cabinets (and there are a lot of them) one afternoon, I felt a pain in my back and was convinced I had a kidney infection. I had a pulsing sound in my right ear and ear pain one day (which lasted for months), so I went to the Minute Clinic at CVS and was told I had bubbles of liquid trapped in my ear drums due to allergies. What the heck am I allergic to??? Anyway, I was in and out of the doctor’s office, the clinic and the hospital more times than I would like to count. I decided enough was enough . . . maybe I need some anti-anxiety meds to help me out. My doctor prescribed Lexapro. I took it for 2 days, but I am not a meds person (despite my love/hate relationship with the doctor’s office). I decided I wanted to try walking outside and see if that helped before I relied on the meds. I never thought I would say this, but WALKING CHANGED EVERYTHING. I stopped taking the meds and haven’t looked back. I walk 2-3 miles every day now (if it’s not raining, because . . . Miami) and I feel great! This is not a knock on anyone who does take anti-anxiety meds by any means. This just happens to be what has worked for me right now. And maybe I’m wrong. Maybe what I’m about to explain is reason enough for me to actually be taking the meds, but what do I know?

If you know me at all, you know that I was born in New Jersey and have been talking about moving out of Florida for quite some time. Dating, friends, etc. just hasn’t been easy for me down here and I feel like I need to remove myself and start over.

Don’t get me wrong . . . I have friends . . . I just don’t hear from them for months on end. I reach out, we talk, we say we need to get together and then I don’t hear from them until the next time I reach out. Talk about doing a number on your anxiety. Some of my friends stopped inviting me places because they always assume I’ll say no (their words, not mine). Despite me saying that, yes, sometimes I’ll say no because my anxiety is high that day and certain situations make it worse, but that doesn’t mean I never want to do anything! It means that I would love the option to say I can make it or I can’t. And, if I can’t, I don’t need a lecture about how I “need to get over the anxiety.” If it were that easy, no one would have anxiety. I promise you.

There are few things in life that feel worse than having anxiety and feeling like you’re alone in your thoughts to deal with it. If only people took the time to actually listen to what you need or do some research to understand anxiety a little bit better. People are always so afraid of things they don’t understand or experience themselves.

The other thing is that I’m almost 38 years old, I’m single and I have no kids. I helped raise my niece, but she’s almost 18 and does her own thing. All of my peeps here in Miami are married and have kids. They can’t just come over for a movie and some wine. They can’t just drop what they’re doing and go out for a spontaneous dinner. It’s kinda sad that I feel like I have to move to another state where I know no one in order to feel less alone, but here I am. I love my friends, I just don’t always feel like that love is returned. Is it because of my anxiety? Or is it because of me? Either way, maybe moving to another state and not being able to hang out with friends cause there aren’t any there might feel better than being where all my friends are and not hearing from them lol.

Then there’s dating. What a shit show lol. As far back as I can remember, I’ve either been cheated on or made to feel like I wasn’t enough for an attempt at an actual relationship. Before you start thinking that I’m a hot mess, I always get told that I’m too nice or too good to be true, that they don’t want to lose me as a friend, etc. I have two older brothers, so I’ve kinda grown up seeing what not to do with guys. Sorry if I’m not a psycho who is high maintenance, guys! Some of my friends tried getting me on dating apps and they’ve gone as well as can be expected. I either get sent unsolicited dick pics or asked if I want to join the guy and his girlfriend. App gets deleted. I’ve been told I’m not big enough, or I’m too big for what they usually like. For someone with anxiety, each interaction that doesn’t go the way I hope it will go is another blow to my psyche. Is it me? Am I unattractive? Is being too nice a bad thing? No, mother f*ckers, it’s YOU!!

You might be saying to yourself, “Jeez. This girl is either depressed or really negative.” The truth is I’m neither! I’m an awesome person who loves to laugh and do fun shit. The problem is that I’m also an awesome person living with anxiety and sometimes that makes certain situations less appealing. I’m the person who always wants to have Friendsgiving or Friendsmas or Any-Day-of-the-Weekmas. I want that friend who will listen to me complain about some dumb shit because it’s what I would do for them. Yea, I don’t have a husband or kids to take care of, but I’m a human being and I need human connection just like anyone else. I want to be the person my friends call cause they need a shoulder to cry on. I want to know what it feels like to have someone truly love me back.

I’m a hopeless optimist who feels like maybe they took a wrong turn somewhere. I’ve been wandering around this place for so long now, I’m not sure I can find my way back. Especially alone. My life has become a series of unfortunate events and, because I’m an awesome person, I just keep bouncing back. I know there’s better out there and I won’t give up on finding it. If you’re like me, please know that you’re not alone. Your people are out there. I truly believe that mine are too. Just remember that you’re awesome and anyone else who is awesome will realize that too.

Yours truly,


Movie Review by Kristin: FIVE FEET APART

Wowwwwwww. I finally got a chance to see FIVE FEET APART last night, and my only regret is that I didn’t see it sooner!

SYNOPSIS: Seventeen-year-old Stella spends most of her time in the hospital as a cystic fibrosis patient. Her life is full of routines, boundaries and self-control — all of which get put to the test when she meets Will, an impossibly charming teen who has the same illness. There’s an instant flirtation, though restrictions dictate that they must maintain a safe distance between them. As their connection intensifies, so does the temptation to throw the rules out the window and embrace that attraction.

Let me start by saying that the cast in FIVE FEET APART was amazing. The story focuses on Stella (Haley Lu Richardson), Will (Cole Sprouse) and Poe (Moises Arias), all of which have Cystic Fibrosis. Their performances throughout this movie were absolutely incredible. You have the besties who can’t console each other as other besties would. You have the lovebirds who can’t touch each other or be any closer than six (five) feet apart. It’s heartbreaking & their performances really convey those feelings to the viewer. Even the supporting cast was great!

It should come as no shock that Justin Baldoni put together such an amazing film. Have you seen his proposal video???? I’m linking that HERE because it’s epic in every sense of the word lol. FIVE FEET APART was beautifully shot and you can tell he sprinkled some of that Baldoni magic on it!

Admittedly, this story looked similar to other young adult movies that involve an illness, so I was expecting the same outcome. I was pleasantly surprised to discover the differences though! I laughed, I cried, I cried and I cried some more. This movie was beautiful and tragic at the same time, in the best way possible.

SPOILER ALERT: After it was over, my mother said, “I really liked this movie. I’m so glad neither of them died.” My response was that I’m not sure which would be worse, having someone die and not be able to touch them or to have someone right in front of you and not be able to touch them. Obviously, I’d rather not have someone die, but can you imagine the torture of being able to see that person you love standing right across from you and never being able to feel their touch? Bleh!

Cole Sprouse, Haley Lu Richardson and Moises Arias were phenomenal. You truly felt their pain, their guilt, their love and their friendship. It was an interesting look into Cystic Fibrosis that most people, including myself, were unaware of.

I highly recommend watching this movie with a box of tissues (or two) and then watch it again and again! ♥️


FIVE FEET APART | Official Channels

Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter | #FiveFeetApart



Movie Review by Kristin: IRREPLACEABLE YOU

IMG_1668Holy crap.

I admit that I can be a bit emotional at times during shows like This Is Us and movies like Love, Simon. None, however, have made me ugly cry quite like this one.

SYNOPSIS: Recently engaged couple Abbie (Gugu Mbatha-Raw) and Sam (Michiel Huisman) find their dreams for the future shattered when she receives a terminal-cancer diagnosis. Abbie copes with the news by attending a support group, and by trying to plan the details of Sam’s life after she’s gone — which includes finding him a new partner.

IRREPLACEABLE YOU is a bit predictable in the sense that the main characters, Abbie and Sam, discover her diagnosis so early in the film, but the way it’s handled is heartbreaking and lovely all at the same time. I also feel like it was a bit sugar-coated because we never saw Abbie get extremely sick the way that we know cancer can play out — but I’m kind of thankful for that. We know what’s happening, we don’t necessarily have to witness every detail. In that respect, I also think it’s very telling that you’re able to be so emotionally invested in this couple despite not seeing the very worst of this horrible disease. It says a lot about the actors in each scene.

The performances by Gugu Mbatha-Raw and Michiel Huisman were very sweet and raw. You really felt the love they had for each other, which made the outcome even more beautiful and heartbreaking. With that being said, even though the ending is predictable, watching it play out in such a way had me hooked. It was also fun to see Christopher Walken play a friend to Abbie throughout the film and, ultimately, being the person who made her look at her life differently.

My only complaint is that we didn’t get enough scenes with Kate McKinnon in them! Aside from that, this was a great little movie. One of the moments that really got me was when Abbie tells Sam that she thought planning his future would hurt less than her accepting that she won’t be around to see it. UGHHHHHHH. If you like the odd concoction of sad, romantic and funny movies, I definitely recommend this one.

Side note: I absolutely loved Sam’s dimples in the movie, and I was absolutely SHOOK to discover that he played Daario Naharis on Game of Thrones! Yes, the one that hooked up with Khaleesi and got dumped! Funny what a pair of glasses and a shave could do!

PETER PAN | Activity Pages | On Digital May 29 & Blu-ray June 5


Experience the Magic of Disney’s Beloved Flight of Fantasy:
“Peter Pan” Soars Into the Walt Disney Signature Collection
on Digital May 29 and on Blu-ray™ June 5

image001In celebration of the 65th anniversary, and the Digital/Blu-ray™ release, you can download and print these special PETER PAN activity pages for you and/or your little ones!

SYNOPSIS: In “Peter Pan,” fantastic adventures await the Darling children—Wendy, John and Michael—when Peter Pan, the hero of their stories, whisks them away to the magical world of Never Land.  After flying with Peter and the delightfully impish Tinker Bell past the “second star to the right and straight on till morning,” they explore the enchanted island and Peter’s secret hideout with the Lost Boys, and leap into high-flying battles with swashbuckling pirates and the infamous villain Captain Hook.

“Peter Pan” is the seventh title to join the Walt Disney Signature Collection, which includes groundbreaking films created or inspired by the imagination and legacy of Walt Disney, featuring timeless stories and characters that have touched generations. The film takes its place alongside“Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Pinocchio,” “Bambi,” “The Lion King” and “Lady and the Tramp.”

For more information regarding bonus features that will accompany the Digital and Blu-ray release of PETER PAN, check out the original post HERE.

Feel free to download and print out these special PETER PAN activity pages & make sure to tag me in them online!




JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE: Man of the Woods Tour 2018 | Ft. Lauderdale, FL – 5/19/18

JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE: Man of the Woods Tour 2018 | Ft. Lauderdale, FL – 5/19/18

Ladies and gentleman, I got to experience something incredible this past weekend. I ended up with front row tickets to The Man of the Woods Tour and it was something I will truly never forget. At one point, the first time JT stood in front of us, I felt a sharp pain in my chest and was convinced I was about to have a heart attack. Luckily, it passed and only got better from there! But, first, let me tell you how I got there:

I (finally) got my Bachelor’s Degree last August and, as a graduation gift, my aunts surprised me with tickets to see my Day 1, Justin Timberlake, on one of his stops here in South Florida. I’d been pretty bummed because the tickets were rather expensive and I was convinced that I wouldn’t be able to make it to one of his shows for the first time ever. So, when my aunts surprised me with FLOOR tickets, I was stoked! This would be the first time I’ve ever had floor tickets and it was for Justin freaking Timberlake. The only issue was having to wait months for the show!

Nevertheless, May 19th finally arrived and my niece & I were getting ready to head out to the show. South Florida has had an extremely rainy past few weeks, so I was iffy about heading out early and waiting in line for doors to open while getting soaked in the rain. Doors were supposed to open at 6pm and the show was scheduled to start at 7:30pm. We got there at 4:45 and there were about 35-40 people ahead of us in the GA Floor line. Luckily, Verizon members who are enrolled in the Verizon Up Rewards program are able to enter the venues via “fast lane,” so my niece and I ended up being second in line. We got in and raced to find a good spot in the front.


DJ Freestyle Steve began playing music, and then JT’s opening act, The Shadowboxers, made their way on-stage. They played about 3-4 songs and had great energy. The Shadowboxers was founded by Adam Hoffman, Matt Lipkins and Scott Tyler and is based out of Atlanta, GA. They later added Cole McSween on drums and Carlos Enamorado on bass. After a tweet from their Twitter account in 2013, telling JT to check out their cover of his song “Pusher Love Girl,” their relationship with him took flight. Their EP titled Apollo was released on March 23, 2018 and now they’re touring with him on The Man of the Woods Tour.

Justin’s set began a little after 9pm and the BB&T Center was living. As close as my niece & I were to the back stage, we were unable to see the main stage, so keep that in mind for future shows. Although I’m sure the fans up front were unable to see the stage we were at also.  The show was absolutely incredible. I’ve been to a lot of concerts at the BB&T Center and I’ve never been to one that looked completely sold out. Even the seats behind the stage were sold out. Luckily, with JT’s current stage set-up, everyone in the audience gets a little time with him. Even the crowd behind the stage got some time with him when he went out on a little riser behind his band, The Tennessee Kids.

The lights, the lasers, the little campfire sequence, the dancing, the sound, the vibe, everything was spot-on. Here is the set-list if you’d like to brush up on your lyrics:

  1. Filthy
  2. Midnight Summer Jam
  3. LoveStoned
  4. SexyBack
  5. Man of the Woods
  6. Higher Higher
  7. Senorita
  8. Suit & Tie
  9. My Love
  10. Cry Me A River
  11. Mirrors
  12. Drink You Away
  13. Flannel
  14. Until the End of Time
  15. Dreams (performed by backup singer, Zenya Bashford)
  16. Ex-Factor (performed by backup singer, Nicole Hurst)
  17. Come Together (performed by backup singer, Kenyon Dixon)
  18. Thank God I’m A Country Boy (performed by backup singer, Jack King III)
  19. Morning Light
  20. What Goes Around . . . Comes Around
  21. Say Something
  22. Montana
  23. Summer Love
  24. Rock Your Body
  25. Supplies
  26. Like I Love You
  27. Can’t Stop the Feeling

IMG_0216Another fan had sent me this photo that lists the set list along with where each song is performed. I found this to be very accurate aside from No. 24 being performed on the opposite side listed on the map. The blue circle represents where I was for the show.

Songs 13-18 were sung around a campfire that rose from beneath the stage and some of those songs were performed by the backup singers, individually, with an assist from JT.

“Cry Me A River” was performed on all three stages and walkways that were covered with smoke.

Also, keep in mind that at times throughout the show, panels would lower and double as screens for those who might be unable to see clearly. I’m not certain because I was beneath them, but they seemed like they might obstruct the view of the actual stages a bit when they’re down. Either way, they provide cool visuals that fit the theme of the album.

“Rock Your Body” was performed off to the side (the side I was on) in the VIP section. This was done on a light-up disco floor surrounded by VIP ticket holders.

Here are some pictures I took from my cozy little spot at the show:

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I might be a bit biased because, as I mentioned, Justin Timberlake is my Day 1, but I highly recommend this show. The energy was through the roof, everyone involved is so incredibly talented, and I love how interactive JT is with everyone in the room. He really tries to give everyone an experience they’ll never forget.

You can find more info, including remaining tour dates, by visiting JT’s website HERE.

*NSYNC Dirty Pop-Up Shop & Walk of Fame


Ladies and gentlemen, today is the last day of April . . . which means that it’s gonna be MAY!! Yes, sorry, I had to do it.

In less than an hour, fans out in Hollywood, California and online all over the world will get to watch *NSYNC (finally) get their star on the Walk of Fame! If you’re like me and couldn’t make it out to Cali for the event, you can stream it live on at 11:30 PDT.

Leading up to the ceremony, where all five members will reunite, they announced a pop-up shop in Los Angeles that is aptly dubbed Dirty Pop-Up. You heard that correctly. Not only do we get to see our favorite group-gone-too-soon together again, we also get new merch! Have we just transported back to my high school years??? Give me some sort of glimmer of hope for a mini reunion tour and I might need an EKG to check my heart lol.

I remember watching Disney’s In Concert with *NSYNC back in 1998 and I was immediately hooked. I begged my parents to buy me the VHS (yes, it was that long ago) of *N The Mix and watched it repeatedly for months – I’ve since upgraded to the DVD version of it and I even introduced my niece to it when she was younger. I had stacks of floppy disks with pictures on them and my bedroom walls were wallpapered with *NSYNC posters and magazine articles. I was that person.

Merch – Volume 1

I saw them live for the first time at the Broward County Fair where Britney Spears opened up for them ( I had no idea who she was yet). My best friend and I were trying to get there early, but we had a fire drill at school that delayed our release. We definitely contemplated fleeing during the drill, but it turns out it wasn’t just a drill-someone set a garbage can on fire on the third floor and ruined our chances at meeting the guys. Another friend of mine sat next to me in Science in 10th grade. We’d have *NSYNC magazines and books resting on top of our Science books and I don’t think we ever looked so involved in our schoolwork! I was lucky enough to see them live 4 times before their “hiatus” in 2002. I was just graduating high school and between that and their hiatus, I thought my world was turned upside down.


16 years later and here I am, prepping to watch the guys receive their star on the Walk of Fame and checking out merch online in their store at Maybe now, my world is being turned right-side up!

So, I just wanted to send a huge CONGRATS to Justin, JC, Lance, Joey and Chris for making their mark in music history no matter how long it lasted. As I sit here with my *NSYNC playlist on repeat today, I’m finally old enough to hold up a glass (if I wasn’t at work) and cheers to a fabulous run! Thank you for everything.

My Essay, ON THE WAY DOWN, Has Been Published On Anti-Heroin Chic


Hey there!

I recently submitted two essays to Anti-Heroin Chic and am happy to report that BOTH have been accepted! ‘On the Way Down’ was published on April 24th and the second essay will be published at a later date.

Both of these essays are extremely personal to me, so I was nervous about submitting them. My only hope is that someone who might be experiencing something similar won’t feel so alone.

‘On the Way Down’ was written about my first major experience with anxiety. Losing someone close to me was a trigger for me and it’s become a part of who I am. I was experimenting with different styles of writing, and I wrote this essay using only semi-colons to give off the effect of experiencing the anxiety I was feeling at the time.


You can read the essay for yourself by clicking the link below. This will redirect you over to Anti-Heroin Chic:

On the Way Down by Kristin Trujillo


STARS ON ICE 2018 Tour Review | #StarsOnIce #Review

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Ice skating fascinated me at an early age. I remember stopping whatever I was doing so I could sit down to watch it with my mom whenever it was on. Scott Hamilton’s back flips were always my favorite. When I was about 11, my cousin had a birthday party at the Miami Ice Arena (which no longer exists). I was so excited to get out there and glide gracefully across the ice like Michelle Kwan, Tara Lipinski and Kristi Yamaguchi. Sadly, that did not happen. As soon as I put one skate on the ice it all went downhill & I spent the entire birthday party, by myself, holding onto the wall as I attempted to make my way around the rink. It was a complete disaster. I also recall overhearing my aunt telling someone that paying for me to attend the party was a complete waste of money. Luckily, I’ve since learned how to “skate”–if just making your way around the rink without falling or holding onto the wall is considered skating.

SOI_USA2018_13x19_BradieMy love and appreciation for ice skating was renewed during the 2018 Winter Olympics in PyeongChang. Watching Mirai Nagasu become the first U.S. woman to land the triple axel in the Olympics; Maia & Alex Shibutani (#ShibSibs) winning the bronze medal in ice dancing; Team USA winning the bronze in the team event; Nathan Chen’s redemption after a devastating short program to land SIX quads in his long program, and watching Adam Rippon’s flawless routines and hilarious interviews while welcoming him into our hearts was an experience I got to share with my mom and it reignited that flame for the sport.

So, needless to say, when I saw that Stars On Ice would be making its way down to South Florida, I just had to buy tickets–especially considering the fact that my birthday was the day after the show. It’s like the stars aligned!

The tour kicked off in Ft. Myers on April 6th, with a follow-up show in Orlando April 7th that was filmed for television (check your local listings for Saturday, April 14th). Skaters included Olympic Bronze Medalists Maia & Alex Shibutani and members of America’s Olympic Bronze Medal-winning team Nathan Chen, Adam Rippon, Mirai Nagasu, Bradie Tennell and Madison Hubbell & Zachary Donohue. Plus Olympic Gold Medalists Meryl Davis & Charlie White, World Silver Medalist Ashley Wagner and U.S. Champions Jason Brown and Karen Chen.

1323356447_STARSONICEStarBNWREL[1]Our show was in Ft. Lauderdale/Sunrise, Florida on April 8th and it was nothing short of amazing. The lights reflecting off of the ice were mesmerizing, and the outfits sparkled like hundreds of tiny diamonds. (The only thing missing was Adam singing Rihanna’s “Diamonds,” but I digress.)

The show opened with a group number to P!nk’s “Raise Your Glass,” followed by individual performances from each skater. There were also mini performances sprinkled throughout the entire show with 3-6 skaters at a time. Adam joined the ShibSibs for one song; Zachary, Madison, Meryl, Charlie, Nathan & Ashley combined forces to Ed Sheeran’s “Shape of You”; a beautiful performance featuring Ashley, Karen, Bradie and Madison; there was a girls only number, and an energetic boys only number to Portugal. The Man’s “Feel It Still.” You can also expect a brief 20-minute intermission in the middle of the show that returns with more individual performances and a group number that closes the show. Some of the other songs you can expect to hear during the show are “Remedy” by Adele and “Let Me Think About It” by Ida Corr (Adam Rippon), “Can’t Stop the Feeling” by Justin Timberlake (Jason Brown), “Elastic Heart” by Sia (Meryl & Charlie), “Never Enough” by Loren Allred (Karen Chen), “This Is Me” by The Greatest Showman Cast (Bradie Tennell), “Nemesis” by Benjamin Clementine (Nathan Chen), plus songs from P!nk (Ashley Wagner), Wicked on Broadway (Mirai Nagasu), Hamilton on Broadway and more.

Sadly, I missed Nathan Chen’s quad in person because workers at the BB&T Center kept walking down to stop people from recording videos on their phones and were blocking my view, BUT I know it happened because everyone went nuts. The atmosphere was amazing and it was nice to see people of all ages and backgrounds in one room–just don’t try to record video because it does distract from other’s experiences. There’s a strict policy against flash photography and video recording, so just don’t.

Since our show took place the day before my birthday, I splurged a bit and bought Meet & Greet tickets for my niece and I. When we finally made our way to the room where it was taking place, the skaters were all seated at tables waiting to sign their lives away. You have the opportunity to speak with each skater, have them sign autographs and take photos. It wasn’t like other “meet & greets” where someone is standing there rushing you through the process. You actually got to meet them, which was nice. Everyone was so kind. Taking into consideration the fact that they’d just completed their third show of the weekend and had to wait until the meet & greet was over so they could eat, I was surprised at the level of kindness they all had for everyone.

Stars On Ice is a show I highly recommend to people of all ages. The music was great, the atmosphere was so positive, and the skating was phenomenal. The entire event is put together so well. Meet and greet tickets are sold out for the remaining shows on the tour, but the show itself is well worth the money. You’re guaranteed to be in awe of the grace, beauty and talent of these skaters on and off the ice.

You can find more information regarding skaters, tickets and merch by visiting the Stars On Ice official site HERE.

You can also click HERE to help Adam Rippon on his quest to raise funds for GLAAD‘s youth program.



Why Adam Rippon & Gus Kenworthy’s Sexual Orientation Is Important


What’s up, everyone?

I have to preface this post by saying that it saddens me that this is even a discussion in 2018. The fact that members of the LGBTQ community have to “come out,” or explain anything in regards to their sexual orientation is beyond me. I mean, you do realize that all they want to do is be themselves, be happy and LOVE another person, right?

I want to share a little story with you. My niece, Briana, is about to turn fourteen. When she was 5 or 6, I was watching one of my old *NSYNC DVD’s with her. She pointed to Lance Bass and said, “Krissy, he’s cute!” I know she was young at the time, but something came over me and my immediate (nonchalant) response was, “You know, Lance is gay.” She paused the movie and asked me what that meant.


I explained to my young niece that it meant sometimes boys like boys and sometimes girls like girls. I reiterated that “the norm” in society is for boys and girls to like each other, but there are others who feel differently and that’s normal too. She responded with a simple, “Oh, ok.” and un-paused the video. From that moment on, she has accepted EVERYONE and never thought of anyone who is gay as “different.” If she ever thought they were different, it’s because she knows how fabulous they are!

Throughout this year’s’ Winter Olympics, we were graced with the presence of two GAY athletes representing the USA, Adam Rippon and Gus Kenworthy. Even as a straight woman, I actually felt so proud of these men for being honest and for simply being themselves . It wouldn’t have mattered to me whether they were gay or not. Being gay doesn’t mean they train less than other athletes, or that they’re weak. If anything, it makes them stronger because they deliver strong performances regardless of any negativity being directed towards them.


Yesterday, Kenworthy posted screenshots on his Twitter page of 4 complete strangers who posted extremely hateful comments on one of his YouTube videos. These people called him names and wished that he would get AIDS and die. Let that sink in for a moment . . . . . . . . . . . . Which leads me to the reason for this post. Adam Rippon and Gus Kenworthy’s sexual orientation shouldn’t matter to anyone. It’s their lives and, if they’re happy and are able to fully love another human being, it shouldn’t matter to ANYONE ELSE whether that other human being is a man or a woman.

The ONLY reason why their sexual orientation is important is because it opens doors for conversations between parents and their children. Children are taught to hate other people. If I had responded to my niece, at 5 years old, that being gay is gross and wrong, she would’ve grown up to believe that as true.  I know that many Christians do believe that to be true, but the hate starts with you as parents, not as Christians. Don’t teach your children to hate others simply because of something you don’t understand. I grew up Catholic, I have tattoos and I’ve had pre-marital sex. Those things don’t make me a bad person. They don’t mean I’m going straight to hell. Neither does being gay. Instead, teach your children that some people love different things, but we all love the same. Teach them that just because you have a certain belief, it doesn’t give anyone the right to make hurtful comments and, more specifically, to wish for someone’s death.

Adam Rippon and Gus Kenworthy’s sexual orientation is important because it shows that being gay doesn’t define you . . . your character does. The same way that being straight doesn’t define anyone else. Being straight doesn’t mean you’re a good person. It also doesn’t mean you’re a bad person. It’s the same with those who are gay, bi, transgender, etc. Rippon and Kenworthy are both strong AND graceful. They’re respectful. They’re hilarious. They’re kind to others. They’re using their platform to speak for that little kid who wants to lace up a pair of skates and glide gracefully across the ice, but is afraid to tell anyone. They’re speaking to that kid who is afraid that coming out as gay will make people think they’re weak and can’t nail flips on skis or snowboards. They’re speaking out to kids who don’t think that they can be themselves and still stand on an Olympic podium. They’re speaking to anyone who feels that their sexual orientation means they can’t chase their dream, regardless of what that dream is.

There are so many kids out there who are feeling things they don’t quite understand yet because their parents are afraid to actually talk to them about something that should be normalized at this point. THAT is why Rippon and Kenworthy’s sexual orientation is important. Speaking to your child about homosexuality won’t make them gay. What it will do is teach them to be accepting towards others and to embrace what they might be feeling themselves. So, to the parents out there . . . do your jobs. Don’t raise bullies and closed-minded people. Raise young men and women who know who they are and who can accept those who aren’t exactly like them.

It starts with you.

30 Questions with Kristin | Part 3 of 3


Good morning! Thanks for checking out Part 3 of my Questions with Kristin posts. I might do something like this more often, so stay tuned.

Here’s the last of the questions:

  • What’s the biggest waste of money you’ve seen?

My number one answer, on a personal level, would be someone spending money on cigarettes. I just imagine rolled up dollar bills being burned away. I’d rather spend my money on something that’ll last. On a larger scale, I would bring back one of my responses to another question and mention celebrities who feel the need to have 10+ cars, gold silverware, Swarovski encrusted refrigerators, etc.

  • What common misconception do you hate to hear repeated as a fact?

Honestly, I don’t have any. People believe what they want to believe and if it works for them, so be it. I know that people say your hair grows back thicker and faster if you shave it, and I haven’t really known that to be a fact. I wouldn’t go so far as to say I hate it though. To each their own!

  • Where is the best place to go to meet awesome people?

Hands down, I would have to say a concert. There is so much excitement at a live show and everyone is there to see the same artist, which means you already have at least 2 things in common–a love for music and that particular artist. In my experience, I’ve also met some awesome people at fan conventions.

  • What food do you crave most?

I don’t know that I crave a certain food, but I’m half Cuban, so I definitely have a sweet tooth. Actually, I’d like to add that I could eat pizza (no pepperoni) every day for the rest of my life lol. I don’t crave it, but I do love it!


  • What TV series do you keep coming back and re-watching?

FRIENDS and New Girl, for sure. I also wouldn’t be opposed to re-watching The Vampire Diaries and The Originals though.

  • Among your friends, what are you best known for?

Knowing who sings certain songs. I’ve been called the human jukebox. Also, I’m the person that friends bring essays and emails to for proofreading and revising haha.

  • Who of your friends is most like you?

Am I allowed to say my niece? She’s the most like me out of anyone I know. I have similar things in common with certain friends, but I don’t think anyone is really like me. If I had to choose one though, I would probably say Brancey. We both have a love for music that is not understood by most of the people around me. We’ve also had a tough time in the friend department, so we have that in common too.

  • What was the most traumatizing moment of your life?

In September 2011–just three months after my family reunion that I wrote about in response to another question–I lost my maternal grandmother. Just five months later we lost my maternal grandfather. Both of these were shocking and unexpected, especially because I felt like they were going to live forever. This sparked my anxiety attacks. Then I lost my paternal grandmother in 2014, my golden retriever in 2015 and my father just 2 months after that. All of the losses we experienced during that time were extremely traumatizing, but I have some amazing guardian angels looking out for me!

  • What’s the best lesson you’ve learned from a work of fiction?

I wouldn’t necessarily say that I’ve learned a lesson from a work of fiction, but there are definitely lessons that we need to be reminded of sometimes. There are lessons that younger generations can certainly learn from fiction though. To answer this question, I’ll leave you with three quotes from the Harry Potter series:

  • What’s something you’ll never do again?

Trust a friend with an untrustworthy guy.

30 Questions with Kristin | Part 2 of 3


Hello there! Thanks for coming back to read Part Two of my little questionnaire. In an attempt to give you a little insight as to who I am behind the blog, I decided to answer a 30-question questionnaire that I saw on Twitter earlier this week.

This is part two:

  • In what situation would you feel most out of place in?

This is a tough question to answer because I don’t know that I’ve ever really felt out of place anywhere. I guess it just depends. There was one time that I took my niece to a thing called MagCon. She was with the people her age and I was in the back with the parents who were all much older than me. I felt like I was in limbo between the two groups lol. Maybe a situation like that.

  • What artist do you really like, but rarely admit to liking?

There isn’t an artist that I would ever deny liking. Everyone has different taste when it comes to music. There are some artists that I really like that come out with shit songs, but I wouldn’t deny liking them because of it. I can tell you an artist that I can’t stand and everyone thinks I’m crazy for it . . . Britney Spears. Other than that, I have no shame admitting to liking boy bands, rappers, rock starts and divas.

  • What gets you fired up?

One thing that gets me fired up is when celebrities flaunt getting free stuff from big companies. In what universe is it logical that when actors, musicians, etc. make A TON of money on a project, they get free stuff to promote a company when those of us who make crap money have to struggle to make ends meet? Listen, I will gladly model some Nike shoes and Coach bags on Instagram if it means I don’t have to sell a kidney to get them. I see homeless people beginning for money for food and I’m reminded that there are some celebrities who flaunt gold silverware and 10+ cars in their driveways. There are homeless people who would love a new pair of sneakers, but you can find some celebrities showing off their extensive Jordan collection in a sneaker closet–made JUST for sneakers. Be like Ellen DeGeneres. Give nice things to people who deserve a break. I hate seeing news articles in magazines about where to find Kim Kardashian’s $1500 bag. I don’t care where to find it because I can’t even afford the zipper on that thing!

  • What annoys you most about the fandoms you’re part of?

I’m not really in any fandoms anymore. Unless you count being a part of the TN Kids (Justin Timberlake) fandom, but nothing annoys me about them. Back in my *NSYNC days, I used to hate seeing girls cry when they saw the guys or when they came out on stage. That still bothers me about certain fandoms today. I also see the fandoms that my niece is a part of and I hate seeing these girls sending rude messages to the guys they claim to love. It bothers me even more that those same guys respond to those messages.

  • What do you do to get rid of stress?

Write or listen to music. Those are the most therapeutic for me.

  • You have to relive one day of your life forever. Which day do you choose?

There are a few days I would want to relive–my first concert (*NSYNC, of course), the day my niece was born, a trip to New York. I’m about to get really deep here though. I would go back to a day in June 2011. We had a family reunion in Cape May, NJ where we all stayed at this cute little motel on the beach. It was one of my favorite weeks ever. Especially because it was the first one that all of us were able to make it to, and the last one before my grandparents and my father passed away. Everyone had such a great time and I would love to relive any one of those days.

  • How quickly do you jump to conclusions about people?

I try not to jump to conclusions about anyone because I wouldn’t want anyone doing it to me.

  • If you were a doll, what accessories would you be sold with?

Sneakers, ripped jeans, a hoodie, an iPhone, headphones and a journal, for sure.

  • What have you done in life that has given you the most satisfaction?

I felt pretty satisfied when I finally got my Bachelor’s Degree in August 2017. At 33, I was working full-time, going to school, working on my blog and helping to raise my niece. It was difficult, but I managed to do it regardless of how long it took.

  • What would be the worst thing to put in a piñata?

Cigarettes and pickle juice? I can think of a million responses to this question lol.

30 Questions with Kristin | Part 1 of 3


Good morning, everyone! I saw this questionnaire on Twitter yesterday and thought it might be a great idea to create a blog post answering the questions. It’s 30 questions, but I’ll break it down into three separate posts. We live in a time where people “get to know you” based on quick little pic posts on Instagram or character-limited posts on Twitter. I wanted to give a bit of insight as to who I am away from the screens, so here goes nothing:

  • Explain your Twitter handle.

I wanted to have the same handles for all of my social media platforms and there was always one that was already taken. So, I tried this one out, it was available, and I liked it. Simple as that! (After I changed it, the show This Is Us aired and it’s one of my favorites. So @thisiskristin_ reminds me of the show now, too)

  • Who inspires you and why?

To be a walking cliché, I want to say my mother because she’s held my family together for the past 40+ years. When my dad passed away, she took a huge step and moved out of our old house, which I never thought she would do. She’s not the type who likes change, so I was really surprised when she packed up our home of 28 years without hesitation. She’s strong, she’s funny and she’s just the best.

On a professional level, I would have to say one of my friends, Keisha Hatchett. Keisha and I have always had similar interests (i.e. baseball, TV shows and writing), but there’s one huge difference between us. She was determined enough to sell her car and pack her things for an internship in New York. She’s fought her way through internships and freelance jobs to a position at TV Guide and I couldn’t be more proud. We don’t get to talk as much anymore, but she inspires me to fight for what I want and to be a better writer.

  • Do you care what others think about you?

As much as I try to convince myself that I don’t care what others think about me, I think everyone does on some level. In some areas of my life I really don’t care. But in other areas, I do find myself wondering what people think about me. I haven’t had much luck in the guy department (thanks, Miami), so sometimes I wonder if they thought I wasn’t good enough or whatever. It’s a horrible thing to do, but for the most part I’m the way that I am and, in the end, I think that’s a good thing. While I might care in some aspects, I’m proud of myself for not changing to conform to their idea of perfection.

Also, when you’re a writer who submits work to literary journals, it’s hard not to question your abilities when you receive rejections from people that have no idea who you are. Their opinions are based solely on your work, and it’s so incredible subjective. When I get rejections I start to question whether I should continue pursuing a career in writing, but then I remember that Stephen King, J.K. Rowling and a ton of other authors also received rejections. Look where they are now!

  • What are you most looking forward to?

At the moment, I’m looking forward to seeing Justin Timberlake live (again) here in South Florida this May! Long-term, I’m looking forward to establishing my career now that I finally have my Bachelor’s Degree in English/Creative Writing.

  • What is one life rule you follow?

I actually have two that I like to follow:

The most important is to stay true to yourself. I’m okay with having to ask for help rather than trying to pretend like I know everything. I’m not the smartest or the funniest, but I try to be the best version of those things every day. I’m awkward, I have anxiety, and I’m way too trusting of people, but I’ve learned to embrace those things about myself.

The second life rule that I follow is to never go after a guy that one of my friends is interested in or has been interested in. A “friend” of mine didn’t follow that rule, and it resulted in literal heart break for me. I would never inflict that kind of pain on anyone.

  • What’s your dream job?

When I think about my dream job I immediately picture Liza from the show YOUNGER on TV Land. She works for a publishing company and started her own imprint with her friend, Kelsey. I would love to write for a magazine or to work in publishing. Being able to read books and discover unknown authors would definitely be a dream. Either that or something (anything) in the music industry. Recently, I’ve been looking into being a music journalist–someone who goes to live shows and reviews them.

  • Which fictional character do you wish you could meet?

I have three, actually. Four (Theo James) from Divergent, Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot). All of them are bad ass characters who fight to protect those around them. Corny answer, I know, but it’s true. Plus, they’re all gorgeous.

  • As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I actually always wanted to be a writer or singer. Writing and music have always been two of my favorite things, so to be able to do either? That’s what I wanted, and that’s still what I want. It’s taken me a while to figure out where to start, but better late than never!

  • If you were a cartoon character, who would you be?

A lot of friends have told me I should dress up like Daria for Halloween lol. She’s extremely sarcastic (which I can be) and pessimistic (which I am not), but she kind of looks like me, so I’ll say her. It’s hard to think of a cartoon character that I would want to be anyway lol.


  • What skill would you like to master?

Oh wow. This is a loaded question because I think there is always a skill that needs to be mastered. Right now I would have to say grammar lol. I always thought I was great when it came to correct grammar in writing, but after taking a course at UCF, I realized just how wrong I was. I mean, I know the basics, but there are so many rules and exceptions when it comes to grammar. I would love to master that for sure.


Well, that’s it for Part One! I hope you enjoyed learning a little bit about me. Feel free to comment with some of your answers to these questions! Post Two will be up tomorrow, so stay tuned for that!

Have a great day!






Adventures at the Dentist


Hey there, everyone! I hope you’re having a great weekend so far!

I wanted to write about my experience at the dentist this morning. BLEH. My family has had their share of dental issues over the years, and I’m no exception. When I was 12, I had to have a something called a palatal expander glued to the roof of my mouth. This was essentially a retainer with a metal bridge in the middle that had a tiny key hole in it. Every night, my mother had to stick a tiny key into that hole and push it towards the back of my mouth. As soon as she did it I would grab my head because of the pain. It was basically breaking the bones in the roof of my mouth because my mouth was too small and I needed braces. It was highly unpleasant and created an embarrassing gap in between my two front teeth. After that was removed, I had my braces put on at 13 and joined the sea of metal-mouthed teens at my middle school.

My braces were removed when I was 15 and way too defiant to wear my removable retainer. I mean, why would it have been removable in the first place if it wasn’t supposed to be removed? Lol. Needless to say, my teeth shifted over the years and, once I was able to work, I paid to have Invisalign. Yes, the person who refused to wear their removable retainer was now paying for removable trays to re-straighten their teeth. When that failed, I paid to have actual braces put on. My teeth hadn’t shifted much, but I was old enough to know how important it is to have a nice smile and I wanted mine as close to perfect as I could get it. So I opted for a permanent retainer when that was over. I guess I’d finally learned my lesson.

This leads me to what happened this morning. I haven’t had a cavity for many years. I don’t even remember when the last time was that I had one filled. I can’t go a day without brushing my teeth and I absolutely love the feeling of clean, smooth teeth. So when I brush, I brush. I made my way to the dentist first thing this morning and was greeted with a string of questions: “Have you ever had braces?” “Are you allergic to any medications or anesthesia?” This was all before the dental hygienist even looked into my mouth. After stabbing me repeatedly in the gums with a sharp instrument, she informs me that there is some bleeding and that she’s going to suggest that I have a deep scaling done. I don’t know about you, but the words “deep scaling” should not be spoken at a dental office. It’s terrifying.

I am about to be 34, I have never smoked a day in my life, I barely drink, I don’t drink sodas and I rarely eat candy. I never bleed when I brush or floss, so someone please explain why my dental hygienist believes that bleeding after being stabbed in the gums is a rare occurrence. I believe she had every intention of coming to the “deep scaling” conclusion even before I sat in that plastic wrapped chair this morning. I would love to see one of them be poked in the gums with a sharp tool to see if they bleed. So, now they’re going to call my shitty insurance company to see if the deep scaling will be covered by my insurance, which I’m sure it won’t be. To be perfectly honest, I really don’t care if it is because I’d rather hear this coming from my actual dentist before making a decision.

Does anyone else have this problem?? Maybe I just have to switch dentists or something. Let me know if you’ve dealt with a similar issue! I’m curious.

Have a great rest of your weekend everyone! & make sure to check out my recent posts because I have some great giveaways going on right now!

Chronicles of a Borderline Germaphobe


Calling myself a full-blown germaphobe is a stretch, but I’m definitely borderline. I’m that person who can’t touch anything in public restrooms. I mean, why the hell would someone use the restroom, wash their hands, and then touch the door handle??? It’s disgusting! I’ve been in the restroom plenty of times to witness someone finish their business and then leave without washing their hands. Which means you have no idea how many others have now spread their nastiness on that measly little door handle. No, thank you!

We’re all aware that we’re experiencing a horrible flu season this year, which makes me extra paranoid about germs. If I’m out in public and someone coughs or sneezes, I head in the opposite direction. I love it when I’m out with my mother or my niece–who are the same exact way–and we give each other a look that says NOPE!! NOT TODAY!!

This leads me to germs at work–the motherload of all my germ issues. I even come home from work and disinfect my cell phone with a Clorox wipe. It’s that bad. About a week ago, someone at work started coughing and blamed it on the MILD winter we had here in Miami. After a full week of recycled paper clips circulating around the office, their persistent coughing throughout the day and their flitting about the office like they’re unaware of this flu epidemic, I decided to ask them what they have–strep throat. STREP THROAT!!! To make matters worse, they told me that their doctor instructed them to wear a mask so as not to spread the germs, but they refuse to “look silly” all day wearing it. There is no amount of Lysol that can cure the anger I have towards this total disregard for others. Why would you consciously come to work when there are people who can’t afford to get sick? The funny thing is that they actually complained about some of us spraying Lysol in the office because it makes them cough more. Sorry, lady. I am not giving up my Lysol spray until you stop hacking up a lung!

To those of you who are not self-proclaimed (borderline) germaphobes, please have consideration for those of us who are. If you’re sick and feel the need to tell everyone how sick you are, stay TF home!! I’ve been sick at work before and I stay at my desk with a can of Lysol and a fresh bottle of hand sanitizer. You know why? Because I have the decency to recognize that people have families and that some people get sicker than others. There is no need to spread around your germs when you could be taking PROPER steps to prevent it.

You have just read the Chronicles of a Borderline Germaphobe. Stay healthy, my friends!

The Trouble with Writing


The trouble with writing is writing itself. It’s a push and pull with words that carry weight in our daily lives. They carry weight for the reader, the writer, and the writer’s ego (if they find themselves receiving more rejection letters from literary journals than acceptances). It’s extremely subjective, and sometimes that’s the trouble too.

Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve expressed myself through writing. I used to keep a box at the top of my closet that held letters I never intended to deliver. Each page was a confession of how I was feeling in that particular moment, and why I couldn’t bare to express those words verbally. It was a way for me to be completely honest with myself and not have to worry about hurting anyone’s feelings, or putting myself in a vulnerable position that I would have to deal with afterward.

Continue reading “The Trouble with Writing”

Review | DEMI LOVATO: SIMPLY COMPLICATED | @ddlovato #SimplyComplicated

IMG_2130I was finally able to sit down and watch Demi Lovato’s documentary Simply Complicated today and it was so good!

The documentary is a YouTube Original that aired in October 2017. It currently has over 13 million views and with good reason.

It showcases Demi’s life–both the good and the bad. Through family issues, addiction, breakups and the pressure to be perfect, Demi has fought her way to almost 5 1/2 years of sobriety and is still working on finding herself in the process.

I remember sitting down and watching Sonny With a Chance, and Camp Rock with my niece when she was younger. Neither of us knew who Demi Lovato was at first, but I remember thinking that her voice was absolutely incredible. To look back on it now and to know that she hadn’t even tapped into a fraction of her full potential at that time is amazing. Looking at her on-screen, you had no idea that the person behind these characters was struggling with depression, an eating disorder and so many other underlying issues that had barely scratched the surface.

To be honest, I had no idea that things had gotten that bad for her. I knew that there were substance abuse issues, but I wasn’t really aware of the actual timeline of when everything hit rock bottom. I didn’t know the extent of the damage either. So, watching this documentary really shed light on her struggle and the struggle of those around her.

I would strongly suggest preventing your child from watching it if they’re under the age of 13 because it does touch heavily on drug use and alcohol abuse. However, I’m a firm believer in being honest with younger generations and showing them the uglier side of things so that they know what to avoid. This documentary takes an honest look at her struggles, the root of those struggles and the people who helped her through them.

One of the most touching moments for me, personally, was when she spoke about her relationship with Wilmer Valderrama. It’s clear that she still has so much love for him, and it’s nice to see them post-breakup still getting along and not having anything bad to say about one another. I can agree with her reason for needing to be alone and to learn how to depend on herself rather than someone else, but I’m secretly hoping for them to reconnect romantically. What can I say? I’m a hopeless romantic lol.

While watching Simply Complicated, I found myself teary-eyed more often than I’d like to admit. Viewers also get a bit of insight to the recording process for her working alongside her producers and manager. If you don’t walk away from this in pure awe of her vocals, you should probably check your hearing. The girl has got some VO-CALS!!

I definitely recommend watching the documentary, especially since it looks like Part Two might be happening in the near future. It’s a fantastic look at a talented young woman’s road to self-discovery, sobriety and overcoming struggles that so many of us deal with.

Check it out and, as always, let me know what you thought!

Happy Thanksgiving from According to Kristin!


Happy Thanksgiving from According to Kristin!!

I just wanted to take a minute to wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving, and to let you know that I am thankful for YOU! I started this blog because a friend encouraged me (thanks Mike) and I haven’t looked back since. I love talking about music, TV, movies and more, so the fact that I get to do that on here really is a blessing. The blog is still growing every day, and for that I’m thankful as well.

So have a great day however you celebrate! Know that you have a friend here at According to Kristin who appreciates you very much . . .


– Kristin

Misadventures at Disney World


We’ve all heard that Disney is the happiest place on Earth, am I right? I wanted to share my experience from this past weekend that disproves that theory. Don’t get me wrong, I know this place is full of magic, but it’s also full of stress and germs and bratty kids and thieves lol.

Let me start out by saying that I have anxiety that, for the most part, lies dormant until I have to drive on a highway or something. So in my 18 years of driving, I’ve never driven to Orlando for a trip to Disney. I spoke to my friend about this recently, so when her boyfriend asked if she wanted to go to Disney for her birthday weekend, she invited my niece and I to tag along. We’d be staying at different hotels and doing our own thing, and I took advantage of my first trip alone with the niece. Things didn’t turn out how I expected though…

My niece, Briana, didn’t have school the day we were leaving, so I requested time off from work so that we could leave early, get to Orlando early, and make it to the Mickey’s-Not-So-Scary-Halloween Party on time. We were already packed and ready to go, but we had to wait for my friend and her boyfriend to get out of work. While we were waiting, we decided to start watching Season 2 of Stranger Things (which is AMAZING, by the way). I thought we’d be in Orlando by about 7-8pm, but we ended up getting there at 9:50 and still had to check in at the hotel. Briana and I checked in, ran up to our room, changed our clothes and ran back down to the shuttle pick-up/drop-off. The shuttles are supposed to run every 30 minutes between the hotel and the parks, but we sat there for almost an hour with no pick-up. A shuttle finally arrived to drop some people off, so I asked the driver if he was heading back to Magic Kingdom. He said he wasn’t, but that he would take us anyway. He veered off-route to transport us to the park. We ran from the bus to the monorail and then ran from the monorail to the entrance only to discover that the parade was taking place. That meant that we couldn’t maneuver our way through the park because the streets and crosswalks were blocked off. We literally got to the park, waited for the parade to finish, rode the Haunted Mansion ride and then had to leave back to our hotel. By that time it was about 2am and all food options were closed. We had to try Uber Eats for the first time and the only option was McDonalds. What should have taken 15 minutes took an hour because the driver got lost on her way to our hotel.

Briana was so excited about going to Disney and I felt terrible that we were only able to spend about an hour there, so we got tickets to Magic Kingdom for the next day too.

On Saturday morning, we woke up and walked over to Disney Springs for some shopping and then went back to the hotel to get ready for Magic Kingdom. We took the shuttle and monorail (again) only to be greeted with cloudy skies and ridiculously long lines. Have you ever been on the magic teacup ride?? This was my first time and I was convinced that part of the fun was watching people stumble out of the teacups. My brain was spinning inside my head for way longer than it probably should have been. While we were waiting for the Winnie the Pooh ride we witnessed a kid bite his mom because she told him he couldn’t do something, and another kid throw a tantrum because he clearly didn’t want to go on a ride but his parents were insisting. When we got off the ride it was beginning to rain, so we decided to go back to the hotel for a few hours and then come back in time for the fireworks.

What should’ve taken about 10 minutes on the monorail took about 30 minutes because one of the kids kept leaning on the doors causing the monorail to stop. Then we had to wait to catch the shuttle back to the hotel and the driver decided to stop at almost every park imaginable to pick people up. What should’ve taken about 20 minutes on the shuttle took about an hour. We literally got to the hotel, used the restroom and then had to run back downstairs to catch the next shuttle to Magic Kingdom.

As we’re getting off of the monorail for what seemed like the hundredth time, we realized it was pouring. Of course, Briana and I had no ponchos or umbrellas because why would we? We live in Florida! It never rains! I hope you caught the sarcasm there. We stood in the pouring rain for three hours surrounded by thousands of people in ponchos. Our hair was dripping, our clothes were sticking to our bodies, our glasses were unusable and we were freezing. When the fireworks were over, we TRIED to rush to the monorail to get back to our hotel, but apparently every single person at the park was leaving at the same time. We had to wait almost an hour for the ride and then ran to the shuttle parking area. We waited there for another hour, in the pouring rain, for a shuttle that never came because it had broken down on another route. My friend had to call an Uber for us.

I’ll spare the details on how we had to defrost ourselves in our hotel room, but when we finally did, Briana found out that a band she likes was doing a meet and greet in Orlando the day after we were leaving. She missed them by one day. ONE DAY!!

As we were packing our things to leave, Briana realized that her little stuffed hippo, Minty, was missing. We undid all of our bags, shook out the sheets on the beds and lifted up chairs, but Minty was lost. We checked out, called lost and found…still no luck. Briana was devastated. I’d bought this thing for her before she was even born. She took it on every trip and had to have it in any room she slept in. It was MINTY!! Someone actually picked up a 13 year old stuffed animal from a hotel lobby and kept it. In Orlando. Where everyone is probably going to spend all their money on stuffed toys and keychains after visiting the parks anyway. OR, someone’s kid picked up this stuffed animal that could’ve belonged to a young child who drooled and wiped sticky hands all over it and allowed them to keep it. I have strong feelings about this, ladies and gentleman! It’s crazy how much sentimental value could lie within a silly, old stuffed animal that had been washed a hundred times! Here’s a picture of the stuffed animal that someone robbed us of:


Side note: Have you ever stood at one of these Disney parks and think about how much money is actually walking around it? There are literally thousands and thousands of people who have paid over one hundred dollars each to get in. Not to mention the souvenirs, food and drinks that are bought. So much money goes into these parks yet the prices keep rising. It’s insane!

Sounds like a disaster, doesn’t it?? Even though literally nothing went right on this trip, I still got to spend time with the niece and we had some crazy laughing fits. From the guy slamming his face into the plastic window on the bus as it took a wide turn, to the bratty kid’s mom’s reaction when her son bit her arm, to the missions we went on together. It was a beautiful disaster if you ask me!


#MusicMonday | Sam Smith, Maroon 5, One Republic, Jordan Fisher, In Real Life & Fall Out Boy


What’s up, everyone??

Welcome to #MusicMonday here at According to Kristin! I’ve been wanting to get a bit more personal on the blog, and Music is the most personal for me…so here we are! I’ll be posting here on certain Mondays, and sometimes I might add in a podcast or two. I’m hoping to have guests on and even try scheduling some interviews, so if you have any suggestions, please feel free to let me know! Let me know what you’re currently listening to, what albums and tours you’re excited about. You can even tag me on Twitter with a performance you think I should check out. I’m open to all suggestions!

I’ve always been a music fanatic, so I’m sure Mondays will be extra therapeutic for me now as I’ll be able to discuss all of the aspects that make up one of my first loves. Music is my escape from the world. When I’m stressed at work, the power of an ear bud is priceless. I just pop one into my ear and the calmness takes over. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without it (both music, and the ear bud lol).

So, here are some of the things that have interested me in the music world this week:


Sam Smith
has (finally) announced a new album and tour, following the release of his newest single, “Too Good At Goodbyes.” The single is lit and the album and tour are sure to be just as incredible-it IS Sam Smith, after all. The album is titled “The Thrill Of It All” and will be available on November 3rd. You can pre-order the album on his web store HERE. You can also follow him on Twitter and Instagram by clicking on the respective links.

Not to be left out, Maroon 5 (@maroon5) also announced details for their new album, titled “Red Pill Blues,” set to be released on the same day, November 3rd. Here is the track listing for both the 12-Track Standard Edition and the 15-Track Deluxe Edition of their sixth studio album:


Best 4 U
What Lovers Do feat. SZA
Lips On You
Bet My Heart
Help Me Out with Julia Michaels
Who I Am feat. ft. LunchMoney Lewis
Whiskey ft. A$AP Rocky
Girls Like You


Best 4 U
What Lovers Do feat. SZA
Lips On You
Bet My Heart
Help Me Out with Julia Michaels
Who I Am feat. ft. LunchMoney Lewis
Whiskey ft. A$AP Rocky
Girls Like You
Denim Jacket
Plastic Rose
Don’t Wanna Know ft. Kendrick Lamar
Cold ft. Future

One song that I’m really enjoying this week is One Republic‘s “Rich Love,” and you can catch the video for that below:

If you haven’t seen One Republic (@onerepublic) live before, I strongly suggest you change that. I saw them in West Palm Beach, FL when they went on tour with The Script (who will definitely make an appearance on #MusicMonday) and it was nothing short of amazing. They’re high energy throughout the whole show and their vocals are always on point. Do it and you can thank me later!

The next two artists that I want to mention are both signed to Hollywood Records.

Jordan Fisher (@jordan_fisher) is a triple-threat who is soon to be dominating the charts with his upcoming debut album. He’s currently dancing his way to the mirror ball trophy on Dancing With the Stars, he has a new single, “Mess,” which was released last week and an album that is on its way to the shelves. Not sure if you familiar with him? He was on Broadway with the hit show Hamilton, he was on Disney’s Teen Beach Movie and he also played Doody on the live version of Grease. Check out his new single, “Mess,” wherever you download/stream music and also feel free to check out his videos on YouTube. Again…you can thank me later! I’m just wondering if dude could show me how to dance lol!

I’ve posted a few times about In Real Life (@inreallife) because they’re new to the scene and they deserve the exposure. I was exposed to them when my niece started watching ABC’s Boy Band, and my friend Jesus @thisfunktional got a chance to speak with them out in California last week at the Queen Mary’s Dark Harbor event. I was excited for them when I found out that they’ll be under Johnny Wright’s wing for the duration (hopefully) of their career because he’s worked with some of the best in the industry! Their debut single, “Eyes Closed,” has done well since its release and they have a fantastic marketing team that has been putting them in some of the best places since the show ended. They’re currently playing little shows while they record new music and they just wrapped a music video for their original Christmas song that should be released soon.


Last, but certainly not least…my little sis, Brancey, absolutely loves Fall Out Boy (@falloutboy), so it wouldn’t be a discussion about music without talking about their new single and their pushed back “Mania” album, set to release in January 2018.



You can hear Brancey and I rambling on the podcast below. Also, don’t mind the little section in the middle where Skype decided it hated us and cut off our recording lol. Shout out to Jesus for splicing them together for us lmao!

THE MOUNTAIN BETWEEN US | First Clip Released! | #MountainBetweenUs

MountainPoster[1]20th Century Fox has released the first clip for THE MOUNTAIN BETWEEN US, directed by Academy Award nominee Hany Abu-Assad and stars Academy Award winner Kate Winslet and Golden Globe winner Idris Elba.

SYNOPSIS: Stranded after a tragic plane crash, two strangers must forge a connection to survive the extreme elements of a remote snow covered mountain. They embark on a perilous journey across hundreds of miles of wilderness discovering strength they never knew possible.

THE MOUNTAIN BETWEEN US hits theaters everywhere October 6, 2017! 


Release: October 6, 2017
Directed by: Hany Abu-Assad
Screenplay by: Chris Weitz and J. Mills Goodloe
Based upon the Book by: Charles Martin
Produced by: Peter Chernin, Jenno Topping, David Ready
Cast: Kate Winslet, Idris Elba, Beau Bridges, Dermot Mulroney

Official Channels:

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | #MountainBetweenUs